NZ Bibliophile

After realising that I had read 49 books in 2005 I resolved to read at least 52 in 2006... this is my record of that attempt. I will post the details of each book or paper I read and like minded people can make comments and/or make suggestions. A posting doesn't necessarily mean I recommend it, just that I have read it!

Friday, December 16, 2005

No Country is an Island (Discussion Paper) by The New Zealand Institute

Title: No Country is an Island (Discussion Paper)
Author: The New Zealand Institute
Type: Non-fiction
Published: 2005

Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince by R.K. Rowling

Title: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince
Author: R.K. Rowling
Type: Fiction
Comments: The sixth installment in the HP series, no longer a children's series! I read this in a hotel in Beijing whilst recovering from a near death experience, making it a book that stands out in my memory!

The Princes of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd

Title: The Princes of Ireland
Author: Edward Rutherfurd
Type: Fiction
Comments: Published in New Zealand as "Dublin", this was another fascinating book by Rutherfurd, well worth reading.

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Title: The Time Traveler's Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Type: Fiction
Comments: Highly entertaining book about a man who unwillingly time travels whenever he is put in a stressful situation. Loved it. Traveled back to NZ from the US reading this and upon leaving the plane the people next to me introduced themselves as good friends of the author!

The Rule of Four by Caldwell & Thomason

Title: The Rule of Four
Author: Caldwell & Thomason
Type: Fiction
Comments: A thinking man's Da Vinci Code? It has been described as thus, but regardless of your take on that, this is a ripping good yarn.

Past Mortem by Ben Elton

Title: Past Mortem
Author: Ben Elton
Type: Fiction
Comments: A fantastic read! I'm trying to organise a class reunion and finding this in Brisbane airport seemed like fate, so I bought it. One sordid sex scene that didn't really need to be included, but otherwise a great story.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

Title: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Author: Dale Carnegie
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: The only English book I could find in a hurry in the departure terminal of Narita airport (Tokyo), was hard going since I don't actually worry much, kind of like a tee-totaler attending AA meetings! :-)

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Title: The Da Vinci Code
Author: Dan Brown
Type: Fiction
Comments: Great idea for a book, written for mainstream fiction readers, entertaining and yet still raising enough questions to raise the hackles of the church... something in it perhaps...? :-)

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown

Title: Angels & Demons
Author: Dan Brown
Type: Fiction
Comments: I enjoyed this as much as The Da Vinci Code.

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

Title: Digital Fortress
Author: Dan Brown
Type: Fiction
Comments: I found this kind of interesting because I'm in the computer industry, I don't know if this would appeal to all-comers.

The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner

Title: The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
Author: Alan Garner
Type: Fiction
Comments: I can quite honestly say that this was the book that got me into reading fantasy novels, highschool days... have reread this a number of times now, doesn't compare to Tolkien, Fiest, or Eddings but it did lead me to them so for that I'm thankful!

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Title: Eragon
Author: Christopher Paolini
Type: Fiction
Comments: Bought this in China of all places! Great read on the plane trip back to New Zealand.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Liar by Stephen Fry

Title: The Liar
Author: Stephen Fry
Type: Fiction
Comments: This guy seems twisted! I haven't read any of his other books to form an informed opinion but based on this homosexually toned book I don't really want to. Had to force myself to finish this one.

Magician by Raymond E. Fiest

Title: Magician
Author: Raymond E. Fiest
Type: Fiction
Comments: I have read this a number of times now, and enjoyed it every time. A classic.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke

Title: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Author: Susanna Clarke
Type: Fiction
Published: 2004
Comments: I loved this book, it's one for my library.

The Runaway Jury by John Grisham

Title: The Runaway Jury
Author: John Grisham
Type: Fiction
Comments: I really enjoyed this, one of JG's better books in my opinion.

Get Rich, Stay Rich by Martin Hawes

Title: Get Rich, Stay Rich
Author: Martin Hawes
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: Still working on the getting rich part, but it is a good book :-)

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Title: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: A classic, worth reviewing from time to time.

The Shelters of Stone by Jean Auel

Title: The Shelters of Stone
Author: Jean Auel
Type: Fiction
Comments: Just like the rest of the Earth Children series, this is great reading.

How to Live off the Smell of an Oily Rag by Frank & Muriel Newman

Title: How to Live off the Smell of an Oily Rag
Author: Frank & Muriel Newman
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: A practical guide to cutting costs and making your dollar go further.

Organic Living in 10 Simple Steps by Karen Sullivan

Title: Organic Living in 10 Simple Steps
Author: Karen Sullivan
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: A great guide for those who want to start eating healthy food.

With the Eagles by Paul L. Anderson

Title: With the Eagles
Author: Paul L. Anderson
Type: Fiction
Comments: Another Roman era novel that I've read a couple of times now.

Endeavour by Peter Aughton

Title: Endeavour
Author: Peter Aughton
Type: Fiction
Comments: A fictionalised account of Captain Cook's journey to and around New Zealand.

The King of Torts by John Grisham

Title: The King of Torts
Author: John Grisham
Type: Fiction
Comments: Another law yarn by the master, a good everyday read.

Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

Title: Man's Search for Meaning
Author: Victor Frankl
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: Words can't really describe how one feels about reading of the horrors of the Nazi death camps, but this book describes what Victor Frankl went through in those camps and is his story of how he survived and what lessons he learned about mankind.

Penguin History of New Zealand by Michael King

Title: Penguin History of New Zealand
Author: Michael King
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: Written by the late Michael King, this book is a classic and will stand as a highlight of his writing career. Enjoyed this immensely.

Property Investment in New Zealand by Martin Hawes

Title: Property Investment in New Zealand
Author: Martin Hawes
Type: Non-fiction

Denniston Rose by Jenny Pattrick

Title: Denniston Rose
Author: Jenny Pattrick
Type: Fiction
Comments: A great New Zealand novel. Early life in the "colony" set in Denniston on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. A fantastic story, well worth reading... Followed by Heart of Coal.

Wilt by Tom Sharpe

Title: Wilt
Author: Tom Sharpe
Type: Fiction
Comments: An original British classic detailing the unfortunate Henry Wilt as he tries to extract himself from a series of sticky situations he keeps bumbling into. There are sequels too for those that want more!

The Wilt Alternative by Tom Sharpe

Title: The Wilt Alternative
Author: Tom Sharpe
Type: Fiction
Comments: More adventures of the poor unfortunate Wilt, worth a read if you're not too easily offended...

Wilt on High by Tom Sharpe

Title: Wilt on High
Author: Tom Sharpe
Type: Fiction
Comments: British comedy, worth a laugh.

Wild Swans by Jung Chang

Title: Wild Swans
Author: Jung Chang
Type: Non-fiction
Comments: 很好书!我喜欢这书。 An amazing insight into the changes that China has gone through over the last three generations... from civil war, to communism, to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (that's what they call it now). Well worth reading.

Heart of Coal by Jenny Pattrick

Title: Heart of Coal
Author: Jenny Pattrick
Type: Fiction
Comments: Another great New Zealand novel! This continues the story of "Denniston Rose" and is just as enjoyable as Denniston Rose.

Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Title: Eldest
Author: Christopher Paolini
Type: Fiction
Published: 2005
Comments: The long awaited sequel to Eragon. I enjoyed this large volume, and now have to wait for the final book...

High Society by Ben Elton

Title: High Society
Author: Ben Elton
Type: Fiction
Comments: This book disturbed me a bit, all the drugs and prostitution were a little too out of my sphere for me to related to, but I finished it with a bit of effort. Not as good as some of his other books.

Dead Famous by Ben Elton

Title: Dead Famous
Author: Ben Elton
Type: Fiction
Comments: An intriguing spin on the whole reality TV thing, a good mystery! Nice twist at the end too.

Alone by Admiral Richard Byrd

Title: Alone
Author: Admiral Richard Byrd
Type: Non-fiction
Published: 1925 (I think)
Comments: A fascinating read about a man forced to make choices that could mean life or death, all while stranded for months alone in Antartica.

Discipline without Shouting or Spanking by Unel & Wyckoff

Title: Discipline without Shouting or Spanking
Author: Unel & Wyckoff
Type: Non-fiction
ISBN: 0671544640
Published: 1984
Comments: Useful guide for new(er) parents, or parents who have lost control of their little ones - I'm not the later thankfully!

1984 by George Orwell

Title: 1984
Author: George Orwell
Type: Fiction
Comments: Whilst the year 1984 has long passed, the risk of "big brother" taking control is very real for some people, made for interesting reading - missed the opportunity in high school unlike a lot of others so I've heard.

Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden

Title: Tomorrow, When the War Began
Author: John Marsden
Type: Fiction
Comments: A fantastic book! Great story idea, a very real threat for Australia, I couldn't put this down and now I'm eager to find the rest of the series.

Making Money Made Simple by Whittaker & Moses

Title: Making Money Made Simple
Author: Whittaker & Moses
Type: Non-fiction

Extraordinary Profits from Ordinary Properties by Dolf de Roos

Title: Extraordinary Profits from Ordinary Properties
Author: Dolf de Roos
Type: Non-fiction

Prosperity Mislaid by Len Bayliss

Title: Prosperity Mislaid
Author: Len Bayliss
Type: Non-fiction
ISBN: 1-86956-107-4
Published: 1994
Comments: Not exactly light reading, but definitely an informative read about New Zealand's economic direction and how we could do better.

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

Title: As A Man Thinketh
Author: James Allen
Type: Non-fiction
Published: 1902
Comments: Essentially, what a man thinks he becomes. Found the language quite hard going as it was written in the early 1900s. Short too (60 odd pages), but worth the read.

Degrees for Everyone by Bob Jones

Title: Degrees for Everyone
Author: Bob Jones (Sir Robert)
Type: Fiction
ISBN: 1-877270-70-9
Published: 2004
Comments: A great read, a non PC look at the direction all universities seem to be heading, I enjoyed this immensely.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The First Man in Rome by Colleen McCullough

Title: The First Man in Rome
Author: Colleen McCullough
Type: Fiction
ISBN: 0-7126-3795-8
Published: 1990

Comments: Loved this book, couldn't put it down. But then I've always had a thing for Roman era novels.


This my attempt to reach out to those who, like me, have cast aside the mind numbing "entertainment" known as television and have instead delved into the world of the written word.

I will post the details of each book I read and like minded people can make comments and/or make suggestions.