NZ Bibliophile

After realising that I had read 49 books in 2005 I resolved to read at least 52 in 2006... this is my record of that attempt. I will post the details of each book or paper I read and like minded people can make comments and/or make suggestions. A posting doesn't necessarily mean I recommend it, just that I have read it!

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Queen's Fool by Philippa Gregory

Title: The Queen's Fool
Author: Philippa Gregory
Type: Fiction
Comments: Another great "faction" book from Gregory! A good yarn and yet you feel you are learning history at the same time... I have another of her books lined up to read... gotta go.

Hustlers, Rogues & Bubbleboys by Graeme Hunt

Title: Hustler, Rogues & Bubbleboys
Author: Graeme Hunt
Type: Non-fiction
ISBN: 0-7900-0821-1
Published: 2001
Comments: A good expose of white-collar crime (or mischief) throughout NZ history. It is easy to read and it covers from the first government officals playing at land speculation through to modern day swindlers... worth reading if you are interested in business and/or New Zealand history.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Writing your Family History by Joan Rosier-Jones

Title: Writing your Family History - A New Zealand Guide
Author: Joan Rosier-Jones
Type: Non-fiction
ISBN: 1-86941-675-9
Published: 2005
Comments: A really easy to read guide on how to write a book, focuses (of course) on writing a family history but a lot of the principles would apply to novels or other non-fiction works also.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Resurrection Day by Brendan DuBois

Title: Resurrection Day
Author: Brendan DuBois
Type: Fiction
ISBN: 0-316-84866-2
Published: 1999
Comments: A fantastic "what if" novel about what could have happened if the Cuban missile crisis had balooned into all out nuclear war between the US and Russia. Enjoyed this thoroughly, read it in slightly less than 24 hours...