NZ Bibliophile

After realising that I had read 49 books in 2005 I resolved to read at least 52 in 2006... this is my record of that attempt. I will post the details of each book or paper I read and like minded people can make comments and/or make suggestions. A posting doesn't necessarily mean I recommend it, just that I have read it!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex

Title: Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex
Author: Nathaniel Philbrick
Type: Non-Fiction
ISBN: 039923795X
Published: 2002
Comments: What a read! Thoroughly engrossing, read this on the flight from Shanghai to Singapore. Awesome. I had little idea about what went on on a whaling ship (strangely enough) but now I do. I know about Nantucket off the coast of mainland America and how to survive by eating ones friends (not recommended!).


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