NZ Bibliophile

After realising that I had read 49 books in 2005 I resolved to read at least 52 in 2006... this is my record of that attempt. I will post the details of each book or paper I read and like minded people can make comments and/or make suggestions. A posting doesn't necessarily mean I recommend it, just that I have read it!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Affluenza by Clive Hamilton and Richard Denniss

Title: Affluenza
Author: Clive Hamilton & Richard Denniss
Type: Non-fiction
ISBN: 1-74114-671-2
Published: 2005
Comments: An intriguing read, agreed with the whole materialism is rampant thing, but towards the end it took a turn towards socialism that doesn't "quite" align with my way of thinking. Still worth reading (even though it is about Australia) regardless if you are Right or Left leaning in your political views.


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